Wednesday, June 15, 2005

weird weather

So, after days of crushing heat, we’re now having back to back thunderstorms. I love a good thunderstorm, don’t get me wrong. I really liked how cool my room was last night from my open window, and I didn’t mind being woken up several times to listen to/watch the show. However, right now it looks like we’re in the middle of a tropical storm outside! I’m not impressed by the thought of walking home in 45 minutes, cause its foggy, windy and pouring rain. Sheets of it! And I, the ever-bright one, didn’t even bring a jacket today, because it was still pretty warm when I left for work this morning. I’m going to be soaked (and everything I’m carrying) by the time I get to SnB tonight, as I don’t think my umbrella is going to help much.

Yeah, so I’m going to the Glebe to the Stitch ‘n Bitch tonight. Should be fun! I may have to have something warm after all the rain (and I was so looking forward to trying one of Bridgehead’s iced drinks). I keep looking at patterns and dreaming of the cool things I can make (and all the cool yarn I can buy). Completely ignoring the huge stash of yarn I already have at home. I'm trying to fight the urge to buy more, as I have the wool for several projects at home that I haven't yet started. I'm even looking at wool for cardigans, cause I know with the pile of projects I have, I won't be able to finish new projects before summer is over.

And, I'm in the sockapal2za! So I already have to buy more wool for socks. Nothing else until I make a substantial dent in my WIP/projects piles.

Soccer practice last night seemed way too long. I have this incredibly short attention span (or maybe just a really poor internal clock), so a two hour practice seems so incredibly long, and I can’t wear a watch so I can’t even check and tell myself that it hasn’t been as long as I think it has. And it doesn’t even seem to depend on the activity. I can sit down to read for a half hour, and I keep checking my watch because I think the time must be up (usually cause I’ve set a time limit that is the last possible minute I can leave the house and still be on-time). Usually I start looking after 10 minutes, and look every few minutes after that.

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