Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cleaning House...

... is not my forte, but I actually did some today. I have never reached my mom's standards of cleanliness, but my apartment still has a lot of construction dust, plus the sand and little bits of shredded paper from my shipment, so I decided to get to work today. I only worked in the bedroom, and there's still a lot more organising to do in there, but it definitely looks better. I washed the windows and the window screens, vacuumed, removed all non-bedroom materials, changed the sheets and cleaned the bathroom. I also moved two of my stash rubbermaid boxes in as temporary bedside tables. Nice.

I've been doing lots of knitting, but I don't have pictures fo any of it. There are a few gift items, but mostly I'm just never home during daylight hours. I'm lucky enough to be able to walk to work in the light (assuming I am organised getting out of the house), but otherwise I almost never see the sun. The next sunny weekend day, I'll have to do a whole photoshoot, for the blog and ravelry.

Yesterday was the Wellington West Wassail, and I met up with some newish friends for a wander that ended up lasting all day! We started off with Folka Voca at the Great Canadian Theatre Company, a horse-drawn wagon ride and free apple cider. There was also a craft fair and two yarn shops before we decided to get lunch, which ended up being pizza from Colonnade Pizza. It is, indeed, good pizza. Then drinks and pie at A's house to round out a lovely day. And now, I'm off to have more pie!

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