Friday, October 12, 2007

Wanted: Missing Socks!

I am maybe just not meant for the mail exchange. Or something. I generally don't believe in luck, or fate, or the universe being out to get people, but my experiences with the various iterations of sockapalooza are getting a little odd.

A quick recap: Sockapalooza One - sent socks, but no socks for me. Sockapalooza Two - sent socks and was a sock angel , but still no socks for me. Sockapalooza Three - was a bit tired and decided not to participate. Sockapalooza Four - sent socks and got my first pair! Yay! So that count to now (not that I am terribly concerned), is 4 pairs knit by me and one pair received.

So, when I picked up my mail from my post box the other day upon getting back to Canada, I was shocked to find a package from Norway with a customs sticker that said socks and chocolate on it! I don't know if these were from a sock angel or one of my previous pals, but I was really excited! Until I opened the package. All that was left inside was this beautiful Norwegian postcard

and this letter from Canada Post.

While they claim the package was damaged in transit, I know the truth! Someone out there is walking around with my handknit socks on, and I'd like them back, please!


Anonymous said...

That's so awful! Hoping that somehow the knitting gods or whatever we have will come through for you!

Saffron said...

Aww man... I can imagine your disappointment! :( Sorry to hear that! :(

But I hope the socks I sent you work well in Africa. That was my first time knitting with cotton. :)