Sunday, January 06, 2008

New Year’s Resolutions

I have been planning a post about resolutions, but it’s been a little slow in coming. There was a serious event here in Khartoum very early on New Year’s Day, and life has been sort of turned upside down. I’m actually on restricted movement (which means I can’t travel around town without use of the armored vehicle), which is getting old quite quickly. I haven’t been anywhere other than work since I got home from New Year’s Eve.

First, this year has been a year of incredible change. I look back at the eight months I spent studying Arabic, much of the time with a teacher whose teaching style did not work for me. Then there was the boy, which is still in a state of uncertainty. In the end, I wouldn’t change the time we spent together, but I still often miss him so much I feel it in my body. Then there was the whole move to Sudan, which has been tumultuous, what with a dramatic departure of my predecessor, a car accident, and then a lot of time in charge of the office when I wasn’t out of the office. Well then. I thought it would take ages to sum up this year, but I suppose that’s really about it.

As far as knitting goes, I can’t actually remember any FOs. Well, there were sock pal socks and a pair for me. That’s literally all I can think of that I actually finished. See above.

Now, I’m not one for making resolutions. The simple act of making any sort of commitment to myself about anything makes me instantly want to break it. It’s a pretty sure way not to end up doing something, really.

But, I’ve been sort of feeling for a little bit now that life is sort of getting away from me in a way, or maybe that its living me instead of the other way around. Mostly its in the little things, like realizing that I’ve sat down at the tv and/or computer after work and been sucked in until its time to go to bed or realizing that its time to go home but I haven’t eaten or taken any sort of a break (again in front of the computer). It’s not a work/life balance issue in terms of time, as I do tend to leave work at a reasonable hour and leave work at the office as much as possible. It’s more of an issue with how I go about using the time I have available to me.

So, I resolve to do the best I can to live the life I want to live, to focus on making myself happy and to be present as much as possible. There are a whole bunch of areas that I want to work on (skin, eating, organising, knitting, exercise, spirituality...), but I want to take it slowly, so the main result of my resolution will be that every week or so, I will write a post about one of the many things I'm working on. There will also be a new link on the right hand side to this post so I can keep looking back and reminding myself why this is important.

And, here are a handful of posts I want to keep handy for inspiration:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for thinking something I wrote was worth remembering. Sometimes I forget that what I write actually gets read. :D Have an abundant and happy 2008.